Savage & Browning

Each year businesses and owners spend thousands of dollars in overstated property taxes. Properly contested real estate and personal property tax appeals result in lower valuations and lower taxes.
Property taxes are the single highest expense for most income producing properties. As local governments continue to grow, ad valorem property bears increased property tax burdens. Many local governments are targeting property tax as a means of budget growth. In addition, overassessment can result in your business facing undue and unjust property tax burdens.
COVID-19 Pandemic
The COVID-19 pandemic and the current economic climate have had a well-documented effect on both real estate and business personal property values and has been a transformative event. The commercial real estate market has been dramatically altered, possibly permanently. But how does that affect your property taxes?
The COVID-19-related downturn and its impact on commercial property values offers a unique opportunity to claim favorable valuations on returns as they are filed or to challenge valuations from state taxing authorities.
Knowing how to quantify and apply regional and industry specific changes to estimate true market value is Savage & Browning's specialty. Now is the time to consult one of our experts to ensure you only pay your fair share.
Ready to reduce your real estate and business personal property taxes?
Drop us a line today and let us help you reduce your Ad Valorem Tax Assessments.